Friday, June 7, 2013

Window Painting Group On

I was browsing my setting and features tonight in Flicker and ran across a window painting / splash painting group. The last post was almost three years ago, but I want to revive it somehow.

It has a few posts and it goes along with a project I have in the works. If anyone has any interest in this and are a member of the link is here:

Window Painting Group

Or run a search for it in communities there.

It would be great to get a forum set up for window painters that are not commercial and just do it as a hobby. Maybe we can share across the web on each others blogs and try to stir up some business for each other.

Window painting is a very unique view of the world, at least from my perspective it is. There are times that I am very proud to be an artist but there are other times I kinda regret it. Thankfully that is a rare moment as most of the time I have a lot of fun with it.

It is June and the season for painting is still a ways off, or is it? October comes around pretty darn fast some years and this time I am sitting ready when the end of September approaches and it is time to set appointments.

When do I dread window painting? When I have scheduled a client and it is rainy, cold, and windy outside. Makes for an irritable artist. The other thing that makes me a bit cranky is a request for a difficult image. I must apologize. I specialize in CHRISTMAS ART -- not images of your Uncle Fuzzy in Santa's Sled.

More on that later...

Keep painting! If you are not a painter currently but would like to be, follow this link for instructions and information. It is a quick tutorial on the craft and a break down of the tools and supplies you need.

So, You Want To Paint Holiday Windows?

Thanks for stopping by. I have a really neat project in the works and I can't wait to share it with you. It has a timeline goal for 4 weeks from today and I will let the cat out of the bag then --so to speak  --- after the Fourth of July!

Stay Tuned!

Thanks for dropping by!

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