Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Season Ends With Some Sparkling Windows!

The Holiday Christmas season draws to a close with a bang and New Year's Eve fireworks.

 There are some resolutions to be made and many to be broken. 

The bang of fireworks in the midnight sky sets the next year in motion. 

New Years Day is a signal to me that it's time the Christmas window paint gets cleaned off of the window panes.

Removing holiday window paint is an easy process. A misting bottle with a fine mist sprayed on the paint is how I take it back down to sparkling glass. I lightly saturate the paint to where it is wet but not dripping then with a plastic handled razor I use small scraping motions remove the paintings a strip at a time.

The paint removed is then wiped onto a paper towel and discarded properly. I then take a sudsy sponge and wipe the residue that remains from the glass and use a squeegee to work the window to a sparkling clean surface.

Wipe down the ledges and spot check to see if any paint has dribbled onto the cement under where you are cleaning. Scrub any drips with a soapy water solution and a scrub brush or use an old broom to clean it up.

You can try using a Shop Vacuum and dry scrape it off that way but it is much easier to do it the way I described. I know, this is from over 30 years of painting. You get to know what really works in that time span!

Leaving the windows clean is a great way to clear out the old year's mess and get started on a whole new year of promises. And window paintings!

New Year's Resolution? Clean windows! That's an easy one...

Read more at: So, You Want To Paint Holiday Windows. A window washing section is featured there including a fun window washing video for your amusement!

More soon! Next Post --- > Valentine's Day Window Painting Gallery!!!

How do you clean off Holiday Windows?

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