Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Painting Windows For Holidays - Thanksgiving Theme

A Thanksgiving theme is fun! Though Christmas tends to be the big draw for window painting I enjoy paint for other holidays, too. 

You can incorporate a Fall theme into a window design using pumpkins, fall leaves, and Turkeys. 

The colors are bright and fun. Painting Thanksgiving themes on glass can be a lot of fun.

A Sketch of a Thanksgiving Turkey, Ms. Trixie --->

Use a fan brush to do feathers. They create a really neat texture as you will see in the close-up images in the following photos. 
(All Images: M Burgess)

This design has the owner's pets names on images of turkeys playing in fall leaves. 

Thanksgiving Theme ~ Fall 2007:

The Turkeys Close-up:

 Fall Leaves:

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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